Sunday, February 12, 2006

Browser Hi-Jack problem???

Do The Following to UNLOCK your HomePage:
1. Create a new .txt Document in any folder {I use TEMP Folder}
2. Copy and Paste the below info into the .txt file.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; lock home page for all users
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerControl Panel]

; lock home page for current user
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerControl Panel]

3. Save and rename .txt file to "HomePageLock.reg"
4.Now when you double click the file it will UNLOCK your Homepage so you can change it to whatever you want.

Do the same steps for the info below to create a LOCK for your HomePage.{This way browser HiJackers cannot change your home page}:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; unlock home page for all users
[KEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerControl Panel]

; unlock home page for current user
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerControl Panel]

Rename the above file "HomePageLock.reg"

I Also Recommend a program called "HiJackThis" small program & Easy to use. Search this forum for HiJackThis!
:111fing32: :111fing32:

Installing oracle over Red Hat 9.0 / Similar Linux

This version of Oracle is easier to install than many of the previous ones. However there are still some traps and issues to get around. if you just need a database with transaction support, get Postgresql ( - it is very easy to install.
Before You Get Oracle
This release recommends 512 Mb of RAM, 1 GB of swap and 3 GB of disk ! You can get away with 320 MB, 750 Mb and 2.5 Gb respectively - provided you do not attempt to create a database at install time (wait until later !)

Do not attempt to install at all if you have less than 200 Mb of RAM as the installer will crash at link time ! (If you are an Oracle install pro then you can link manually to complete the process, but its a bit of a pest).

This release requires a 2.4.4 Kernel and Glibc 2.2.2. However you can install with 2.4.2 (Redhat 7.1) or 2.4.3 (Mandrake 8.0) Kernels.

There is an undocumented dependency on Binutils. The version that comes with Redhat 7.1 causes Oracle to be unlinkable. The solution is to use the version that comes with Redhat 7.0 (binutils- or Mandrake 8.0 (binutils-

The tested combinations were :

1. Redhat 7.0 with binutils-
2. Mandrake 8.0 with binutils-

Getting Oracle
Visit and click on "Oracle technology Network". The current URL for downloads is here. Select "9i Database" and then pick the "Linux" entry. You must then agree to the license before the actual download page appears.

There are three big files :

1. Linux9i_Disk1.cpio.gz (400Mb)
2. Linux9i_Disk2.cpio.gz (620 Mb)
3. Linux9i_Disk3.cpio.gz (80 Mb)

They are actually cpio archives ( not gzipped cpio archives ! ). You need fast internet access...or a friend with fast internet access.

Once downloaded then expand the archives somewhere where you have 2 GB of space :

# cd /var/bigspace
# cpio -idmv Linux9i_Disk1.cpio.gz
# cpio -idmv Linux9i_Disk2.cpio.gz
# cpio -idmv Linux9i_Disk3.cpio.gz

These expanded archives can be burned to three CDs to provide a convenient and professional looking installation.
Decide where you want Oracle to be installed and create a directory for it ( I use /usr/oracle/[version] but its up to you). In addition create a group and user for Oracle (login as root for this) :

# groupadd dba
# useradd oracle
# mkdir /usr/oracle
# mkdir /usr/oracle/9.0
# chown -R oracle:dba /usr/oracle

Remember you need 3 GB or so !

In addition I usually create the file /etc/oratab used to record databases :

# touch /etc/oratab
# chown oracle:dba /etc/oratab

There is some folklore about setting a plethora of environment variables and a thing called "Optimal Flexible Architecture". This business is best summed up by saying : The procedure is neither optimal, flexible nor an architecture... but a way of laying out files that some Oracle folk like.

Ensure that you have installed X on your machine, as there is no longer a character mode installer.

Oracle, like most databases, needs to use IPC to create shared memory. Typically the default amount configured on most Linux distributions is minimal. To sort this out : ( as root here )

# sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=100000000
# echo "kernel.shmmax = 100000000" >> /etc/sysctl.conf

This enables a shared memory segment to be 100 Mb ( probably enough to start you off...)
Login as oracle and proceed to install :

$ cd /var/bigspace
$ cd Disk1
$ export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/oracle/9.0
$ ./runInstaller

The Java Gui installer will start and guide you through the process.

This part is now fairly easy - just pick "9i Database", then either of "Enterprise" or "Standard Edition" depending whether you want all the fancy bits or not ( bitmap indexes, partitions, transportable tablespaces etc require Enterprise Edition).

The next step asks about what database you want, I usually say "Software Only" and do the database later.

You will be asked where JDK is... if you don't have a JDK it does not matter ( unless you wish to do Java development of course).

Then click on install and wait for a while.

At some point you will be asked about the "other locations" for the remaining software archives.. its fairly straightforward what to be there ( if you have cut CDs, ensure your terminal window is not still cd'ed into the cdrom mount directory... )
Post Installation
Now comes creating a database. There is a reasonable Gui tool for this :

$ export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
$ dbca &

Additionally there is a network configuration tool with a similar UI :

$ netca &

However I will detail a command line creation and configuration of a database so that some understanding of what is happening can be gained:

Set up configuration for a database called db1 :

$ cat "db1:/usr/oracle/9.0:Y >> /etc/oratab"
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
$ cat initdw.ora |sed s/"#db_name = MY_DB_NAME"/"db_name = db1"/|sed s/#control_files/control_files/ > initdb1.ora

Start and create database :

$ export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
$ export ORACLE_SID=db1
$ sqlplus /nolog < $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora
$ lnsrctl start
$ echo "DB1 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <>)(PORT = 1521))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = db1)))" > $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora

These two commands tell the network listener where to listen, and clients were to send connection requests to. This can be tested by :

$ tnsping db1 1

This should return (ok) [number]
It is easy to make Oracle start automatically. Create a script called oracle in /etc/init.d that is like : ( you need to be root here )

# oracle This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
# the oracle services.
# chkconfig: 345 90 10
# description: Oracle server
# probe: true

# Source function library.
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

# Source networking configuration.
if [ ! -f /etc/sysconfig/network ]; then
exit 0

# Check for echo -n vs echo \c
if echo '\c' | grep -s c > /dev/null 2 > &1 ; then
ECHO_N="echo -n"

# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
# Start server.
$ECHO_N "Starting Oracle: "$ECHO_C
su -l oracle -c sqlplus /nolog >/dev/null < /dev/null"
# Stop server.
$ECHO_N "Stopping Oracle: "$ECHO_C
su -l oracle -c sqlplus /nolog > /dev/null < /dev/null"
echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
exit 1

exit 0

Then tell the system to run it : ( as root again )

# chkconfig --add oracle

It is nice to set up the Oracle .bash_profile to get ORACLE_SID and PATH working by default :

# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc

export BASH_ENV=$HOME/.bashrc

export ORACLE_SID=db1
if [ -f /usr/local/bin/oraenv ];then
. /usr/local/bin/oraenv

Finally a more sophisticated script to create a database in /var/oradata ( for example ) : ( as oracle )

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# file : createdb1.sql
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


. /usr/local/bin/oraenv
cp init$DB.ora $ORACLE_HOME/dbs

sqlplus /nolog <> $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init$DB.ora

echo -n "Create initial files ?"
read resp
case $resp in
y) echo "Creating initialization files"

echo -n "Create database ?"
read resp
case $resp in
y) echo "Creating $DB"

echo -n "Run database scripts ?"
read resp
case $resp in
y) echo "Running scripts for $DB"

echo -n "Create tablespaces ?"
read resp
case $resp in
y) echo "Creating tablespaces for $DB"

echo -n "Create objects ?"
read resp
case $resp in
y) echo "Creating some objects for $DB"


Tips and Tricks about Google

I have been quite fascinated by Google ever since they started out as a search engine. Over the time Google has become an indispensable tool for any serious geek. I will describe a few techniques that I use. They have been collected from various help pages, chat rooms and books. If you find any error please point it out.

1.) Common queries:

So how will you effectively use Google. Take this example. A friend of mine was asking me over yahoo messenger what is a blog. I told him to search on Google and find out. He tried this.

Alas the answer was there but lost in thousands of links. He alerted me that he can't find an answer. I told " Ok , Let me see What is wrong? ". I tried this

What is blog
The answer was right there.

While formulating search queries you must be specific as far as possible. A query like Linux vpn howto can yield a different result than vpn howto. Google seems to be intelligent enough to understand some human thought chain. So while making queries be a bit descriptive and formulate a properly worded query. Google ignores some of the common words such as 'the' 'and' 'a' etc while performing a search.

2.) How to formulate a good search string :

Google uses AND logic for the queries by default. If you search linux vpn howto google searches for pages containing linux AND vpn AND howto. You can put OR logic in the search box like this

linux OR vpn OR howto

You can exclude some terms using "-"

linux vpn -installation

Try ( linux vpn - installation ) and see how it is different from the above query. You can group a set of terms by enclosing them in brackets. It is also possible to combine AND and OR operators.

It may be noted that Google is not case sensitive regarding search strings. Linux, LINUX and linux produces the same results. However the operators such as AND and OR are case sensitive.

3.) Searching for a file :

Suppose you want to search for pdf documents only. You can do this by attaching a filetype modifier to your query. A typical query can look like this

vpn filetype:pdf
Google can recognize most common filetyes.

4.) Searching only at a site :

This is similar to file type modifier. Try this VPN
Then try vpn site:edu filetype:pdf You can get some interesting result by trying this query

5.) Searching in URLs and Page titles :

You can search in urls using inurl modifier. Try inurl:smb.conf

Similarly you can use intitle modifier.

6.) Searching in Google cache :

If you are looking for some old web site you can directly search in Google cache.
Try and see the cached pages.

7.) Looking for definitions :

This can be handy if your school going kid pesters you for his home work.

It bring out definitions from around the web.

8.) Looking at Google advanced search :

I think it is one link that most people try to ignore. It is designed for commoners. Almost all the options I mentioned above are available through advanced search.

The preferences page is also worth a visit. It uses cookies to set preferences such as number of search results to be displayed, language preferences etc.

9.) Finding the price of some geek gadget :

Google has a companion site called Its interface is exactly similar. But it returns prices across various stores in the US. This feature can be very useful if you plan to buy some strange hardware. Let us hope that will appear soon.

10.) Google Calculator :

In the google search :
Type in an equation: (100+4567*10-200=)
What is the square root of 267? (sqrt(267))

11.) Google labs :

Google is very innovative and always tries to introduce new features. You can see some of the upcoming features at . Also Google conducts a puzzle champion ships annually.

12.) Google Sets :

Google sets is an interesting feature currently available at

Have a look at the page. You will see a number of text boxes. Enter some words which belongs to a set of items and search. Google will complete the set.

I typed in the names of following linux distributions " Mandrake" "Suse" " "debian" and hit larger set button. Google provided a huge list of linux distributions.

BOOKS : Technical

Here is the List of some of the very useful sites which contains lot of useful study material
  1. FTP SERVER : (Best ) Huge collection of latest Books.
    Free online books on nearly all topics.It contains relatively new and some of the best books out there.Personaly this is my favorite.
    Books on :
    Dot NET , JAVA , Windows Programming(VB ∓ VC++),Web Designing and Publishing, XML ,Web Programming,Unix, Linux, Sql , Networking , Databases, Cisco amd much more
  2. :
    This site contains lot of books on Dot net Technologies and Linux. Some of the books are in chines but most of the books are in English.
  3. (best) Huge collection :
    Free Computer Books online, Tutorials ∓ Lecture Notes. This is the best site for free books that I have seen. It is updated regularly as new books become available.
    Books on :
    JAVA,Windows Programming(VB ∓ VC++),Web Designing and Publishing, XML ∓ XSL,Internet ∓ Intranet,Web Programming,Unix, Linux, X-Windows,Networking,Databases,Computer Science
  4. books mostly in zip file for download)
    Links to online books and other accessible programming resources. But some of the books are old (up to 1998).
    Books on :
    Artificial Intelligence,Assembly-related files,Basic and Visual Basic-related files,Borland-related files and links,C and C Plus Plus-related files,DataBase Programming-related files,DELPHI-related files,Java Language-related Files,Linux-related materials,Unix-related files,Web-related files (HTML, Perl, CGI, etc.),Window programming-related Set files.
  5. :
    This site contains lot and lots of free books on Cisco technology and Linux . you are looking of a career in Networking then this is like the dream site for you.
  6. crackinguniversity2000 :
    Hare you can find online books on number of topics such as database, windows ,Java, Web Programming, Networking :
  7. Online IT Books:
    collection of online books:
  8. :
    This Site contains lot of goods books written by the author and put then on his site . this site contains some really cool books on latest and hot programming topics like Dot NET and J2EE etc.
    It is a very nice Place for free C++, C# and .NET articles, code snippets, discussions, news and the best bunch of developers on the net.Also complete projects can be found on this site.
    MFC Programmer's SourceBook. Lots of coding examples to common (MFC) programming problems.
  11. Windows ∓ .NET Magazine
    It is the best tech magzine available today.Unlike all the stuff on this site it is not has to subscribe to it.Bou it well worth the money.For a success full career in .NET It is a must read magzine
  12. Insider's Guide to IT Certification -Download it now for instant advice!
    The Insider's Guide to IT Certification is a how-to manual that helps people looking to become certified in the IT industry conserve their valuable time and money while pointing out the best study guides and suggesting ways to become successful in IT.
  13. Project Reports and Design Guidelines
    This Page contains the example of professional Project report of the software like : Zone Alarm Firewall, MSN Messenger.
  14. Astalavista
    It is very good site for Network Security related material. It includes tutorial on topics such as :
    TCP,SMTP and various other protocol,Networking,Operating System,Denial of Service (DDoS / Dos),Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS),Cryptograpy,Software Cracking.
    This is a Very good site for Security related material. and free books on Linux amd Unix. It Also contains some Hacking Tutorial.All theTutorial is also available for download in a zip file

BOOKS : Oracle

Here is the List of some of the very useful sites which contains free online books and Tutorial on Oracle

  1. Oracle 9i Database Administrators Guide : ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    A very good book for Oracle Administrators. It covers each and every aspect of Oracle Administration .
  2. Oracle 9i Database Concept : ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    A very good book for Oracle Programming. It covers each and every aspect of Oracle Programming .
  3. Oracle 9i Database Getting Started : ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    A very good book for beginners. It covers each and every topic in a step by step manner.
  4. Oracle 9i Security Network Integration : ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    A very good book for Oracle Administrators. It covers each and every topic related to securing Oracle Server.
  5. Oracle 8 How : (4.6 MB) ( free in tar.gz format ) (BOOK)
    It is a very good book for learning PL SQL.This book teaches each and every concept of Oracle(Link taken From
  6. O'Reilly - Oracle Application: (5.1 MB) ( free in tar.gz format ) (BOOK)
    It is a very good book for learning PL SQL. (Link taken From
  7. Oreilly Mastering Oracle SQL : ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    Oracle 9i Database Getting Started covers each and every topics related to Oracle 9i Database programming . (Link taken From
  8. Teach Yourself Oracle 8 In 21 Days :[Mirror] (7.0.MB)( free in ZIP format ) (BOOK)
    this is an excelent book for learning Oracle and it also covers all the aspects of SQL in just 21 days. (Link taken From
  9. Oracle Unleashed (SAMS) [Mirror] : (free in html format ) ( Book)
    this is an excelent book for learning Oracle and it also covers all the aspects of SQL. (Link taken From )
  10. Oracle PL/SQL Bookshelf [Mirror] [Mirror] [Mirror] : (free in html format ) ( Tutorial)
    This tutorial teaches PL/SQL for Oracle.It covers all perts of both oracle and PL/SQL for Oracle . (Link taken From
  11. Using Oracle8 [Mirror] [Mirror] : (free in html format ) ( Tutorial)
    Anothe book on Oracle with PL/SQL.

BOOKS : Databases

Here is the List of some of the very useful sites which contains free online books and Tutorial on Database Programming


  1. Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2000: (21.88 MB) ( free in ZIP format ) (BOOK)
    It is an excellent book on MS SQL Server for Free.It covers all topics related to server administration and T SQl Programming.(Link taken From
  2. SQL Server 2000 System Administration Training Kit : (12.08 MB)( free in ZIP format ) (BOOK)
    It is an excellent book on MS SQL Server.It covers all topics related to server administration .(Link taken From
  3. Microsoft SQL Server Black Book : (1.98 MB) ( free in ZIP format ) (BOOK)
    It is one of the rare book that is available free online for SQL Server 2000. IT covers all aspects related to MS SQL sever 2000 including T SQL. (Link taken From
  4. Inside Ms SQL Server 7 : (3.83) ( free in ZIP format ) (BOOK)
    Inside Ms SQL Server is an excellent book on MS SQL Server.It covers all topics related to server administration .(Link taken From
  5. MS Press - SQL Server 2000 Administrator's Companion : (32.09 MB) ( free in ZIP format ) (BOOK)
    It covers all the topics related to SQL server 2000 from Beginners to advanced. (Link taken From
  6. Programming SQL Server 2000 with XML : (1.2 MB) (( free in ZIP format ) (BOOK)
    It covers all topics related to Programming SQl Server using XML. (Link taken From
  7. Sql 7 Datawarehousing Training Kit :(7.01 MB) ( free in ZIP format ) (BOOK)
    It is a very good book for learning how to do Dataearehousing using SQl Server. (Link taken From
  8. SQL Server 2000 Administration in 15 Minutes a Week :(4.3 MB) ( free in ZIP format ) (BOOK)
    It is a Quick Start guide to SQl Server. (Link taken From
  9. Syngress Designing SQL Server 2000 Databases for .NET Enterprise Servers : (4.9 MB) ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    It is one of the rare book that is available free online for SQL Server 2000. IT covers all aspects related to MS SQL sever 2000 including T SQL. (Link taken From
  10. Oreilly Transact Sql Cookbook : ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    It is one of the rare book that is available free online for SQL Server 2000. It covers T-SQL in detail . (Link taken From )
  11. Using Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 : (free in html format ) ( Tutorial)
    This tutorial teaches the basic of Microsoft SQL . It also cover T sql.
  12. threat profiling microsoft sql server : (234 KB) ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    Special guide for more securing MS SQL Server. (Link taken From


  1. MySQL-PHP : (3.26 MB) ( free in ZIP format ) (TUTORIAL)
    An excellent Book on PHP and MySql for developing practical application. (Link taken From
  2. Sams' Teach Yourself MySQL in 21 Days : (2.64 MB) ( free in ZIP format ) ( Book )
    It is one of tthe most popular book for learning My SQl. It is quick start guide to MY Sql.(Link taken From
  3. OReilly - Manage ∓ Using Mysql : ( free in PDF format ) ( Book )
    It is very for learning and Managing and learning my SQL. (Link taken From
  4. MySql and PHP Database Applications : (3.36 MB ) ( free in HTML format ) (Free Tutorial )
    An excellent tutorial on PHP and MySql for developing practical application. (Link taken From
  5. Sams - PHP and MySQL Web Development, Second Edition [MIRROR]: (7.8 MB) ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    It is an Excellent book for bginers o learn PHP and My SQL. (Link taken From


  1. Practical PostgreSQL : (free in html format ) ( Book)
    For database on UNIX plateform PostgreSQL is the best option.This book covers PostgreSQL in detail.
  2. PostgreSQL Tutorial : (free in html format ) ( Book)
    For database on UNIX plateform PostgreSQL is the best option.This tutorial covers PostgreSQL in detail.


  1. Oreilly Mastering Oracle SQL : ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    Very nice book for learning Oracle SQl. (Link taken From
  2. Oreilly SQL Tuning : ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    It is a very good book to fine tune your SQL Query for best performance. (Link taken From
  3. : (2.8 MB) ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    Nice book for learning SQL. It contains very real life examples . (Link taken From
  4. Teach Yourself SQL in 21 Days, Second Edition [MIRROR]: ( free in html format ) ( Book)
    this is an excelent tutorial for learning ANSI SQL and it also covers TSql of SQL Server and PL SQL of Oracle.(Link taken From
  5. Structured Query Language (SQL) : A Practical Introduction : (free in html format ) ( Tutorial)
    Excellent tutorial on SQL. It explain SQL in very easy language and with good examples. (Link taken From
  6. SQL for Web Nerds : (free in html format ) ( Book)
    Excellent free book for learning SQL for the developement of web sites databases.


  1. BNU Course - Introduction to MS Access 2000 : (689 KB) ( free in ZIP format ) (BOOK)
    A very good book to learn MS Access 2000.(Link taken From
  2. Microsoft Access 97 Quick Reference : ( free in html format ) ( Tutorial)
    this tutorial tells the basic of Microsoft access in Quick and easy steps .(Link taken From
  3. Microsoft Excel 97 Quick Reference : ( free in html format ) ( Tutorial)
    this tutorial tells the basic of Microsoft Excel in Quick and easy steps .(Link taken From
  4. Informix Unleashed : (.78 MB )( free in HTML format ) (BOOK)
    Free book on Informix Database. (Link taken From
  5. XML and Databases : ( free in html format ) ( Tutorial)
    An very good tutorial on XML and its integration with database.It is very usefull in learning both XLM and Database. (Link taken From
  6. Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days [Mirror] ( free in html format ) ( Book)
    It teaches Database programming using MFC and Visual C++ .It also teaches basics of SQL (Link taken From
  7. DB2 Application Development Guide :(free in html format ) ( Tutorial)
    Excellent tutorial on DB2. It also explain ANSI SQL in detail.
  8. Getting Started with OLE DB : (free in html format ) ( Tutorial)
    very good tutorial which tells about the concepts of OLE DB
  9. IBM DB2 Universal Database for UNIX : (free in html format ) ( Tutorial)
    very good free tutorial on IBM DB2 Database of UNIX system
  10. Access 97 Expert Solutions [Mirror] : (free in html format ) ( Book)
    Free online book for learn the Access in details

BOOKS : Web Programming

Here is the List of some of the very useful sites which contains free online books on Web Programming and Tutorial on Web Programming

Free online Books on ASP.NET , XML and Web Services

  1. Addison-Wesley - C Sharp Developer's Guide to ASP.NET XML and ADO.NET : (2.2 MB) ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    This books teaches ASP.NET, XML and ADO.NET using C sharp . (Link taken From
  2. Developing .NET Web Services with XML : (6.1 MB) ( free in pdf format ) (BOOK)
    This books teaches Web Services with XML (Link taken From
  3. XML WebServices and SOAP : ( free in HTML format ) (BOOK)
    This books teaches the concepts behind Web Services , XML And SOAP (Link taken From
  4. WML and WMLScript : ( free in HTML format ) (BOOK)
    Excellent book for learning WML and WML Script for wireless programming (Link taken From
  5. C#.NET Web Dev : (6.8 MB)( free in PDF format ) (Tutorial)
    Very good tutorial for web developement using C sharp.(Link taken From
  6. Developing XML Solutions : (4.0 MB)( free in CHM format ) (Tutorial)
    Very good tutorial for learning XML language and it's basic concepts.(Link taken From
  7. MS Press - Building Web Solutions with ASP.NET and ADO.NET : (4.4 MB) ( free in CHM format ) (Book)
    Excellent book for ASP.NET and ADO.NET .BY this you can develope a complete portal. (Link taken From
  8. MS Press - XML Programming (Core Reference) : (6.3 MB) ( free in CHM format ) (Book)
    Excellent book for learning practical use of XML solutions. (Link taken From

    Free online Books on J2ME , JSP and JAVA
  1. J2ME - Java on the Mobile Phone : ( free in HTML format ) (BOOK)
    If you wants to learn how to programm for mobile phone then this is the book for you. This books teaches J2ME - Java On the mobile phone (Link taken From
  2. Java-Servlets-JSP : ( free in HTML format ) (BOOK)
    Excellent book for learning Java - Servlets JSP (Link taken From
  3. Developing Intranet Applications with Java : ( free in html format ) ( Tutorial)
    Very good tutorial for Learning Java for Developing Intranet Applications (Link taken From
Free online Books on WEB Programming (Perl,JavaScript,ASP,HTML)
  1. Free Books on PERL : ( Book)
  1. Perl 5 by Example : (407 KB)( free in ZIp format ) ( BOOK)
    A very good book for learning Perl . It covers every topic related to perl(Link taken From
  2. Programming Perl 5.0 CGI Web Pages for Microsoft Windows NT : (248 KB)( free in ZIp format ) ( BOOK)
    A very good book for learning CGI scripting in Perl on windows plateform. It covers every topic related to CGI scripting (Link taken From
  3. Perl5forWebProgramming : (3,961 KB)( free in ZIp format ) ( BOOK)
    A very good book for learning Web Programming using Perl (Link taken From
  4. Perl5Unleashed : (947 KB)( free in ZIp format ) ( BOOK)
    A very good book for learning CGI scripting using Perl (Link taken From
  5. perlbookshelf : (8,524 KB)( free in ZIp format ) ( BOOK)
    Perl in a Nutshell, Learning Perl, Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, Programming Perl , Advanced Perl Programming, Perl Cookbook (Link taken From
  1. Free HTNL Books : ( Book)
    (Link taken From
  2. Web Programming with Perl5 :( free in html format ) ( Book)
    Excellent book for learning Perl 5 for CGI programming.(Link taken From
  3. Cold Fusion Web Database Construction Kit [Mirror] :( free in html format ) ( Tutorial)
    Very good tutorial for Learning Cold Fusion for Web Database .(Link taken From
  4. ActiveX and VBScript : ( free in html format ) ( Tutorial)
    Very good tutorial for Learning Cold Fusion for Web Database . (Link taken From
  5. Apache Server Survival Guide Table of Contents : ( free in html format ) ( Tutorial)
    Very good tutorial for Learning Apache web server .It is a must book for every webmaster (Link taken From
  6. Special Edition Using HTML 4 : [Mirror ]( free in html format ) ( BOOK)
    Excellent book for learning latest HTML 4 (Link taken From
  7. Special Edition Using JScript : ( free in html format ) ( BOOK)
    Excellent free book for learning JScript (Link taken From
  8. Special Edition Using Javascript :( free in html format ) ( BOOK)
    Excellent free book for learning Javascript (Link taken From
  9. Special Edition Using Microsoft Visual InterDev : ( free in html format ) ( BOOK)
    Excellent free book for learning Microsoft Visual InterDev (Link taken From
  10. Teach Yourself CGI Programming with PERL 5 in a Week, 2E :( free in html format ) ( BOOK)
    very good free book for learning CGI Programming with PERL 5 (Link taken From
  11. Teach Yourself VBScript in 21 Days : ( free in html format ) ( BOOK)
    very good free book for learning VBScript and ASP (Active server pages) (Link taken From
  12. Web Publishing Professional Reference Edition : ( free in html format ) ( BOOK)
    very good free book for learning Web Publishing (Link taken From


Here is the List of some of the very useful sites which contains free online books on VC++ and Tutorial on VC++

  1. Visual C++ for Dummies Quick Reference : (8.71 MB) ( free in ZIP format ) (BOOK)
    It is a beginners guide to visual c++. (Link taken From
  2. Using Visual C++ 6 :[Mirror][Mirror] ( free in html format ) ( Book)
    it is a very good book for learning Visual c++ and MFC .(Link taken From
  3. Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days : [Mirror] [Mirror] ( free in html format ) ( Book)
    it is a very good book for learning Visual c++ and MFC .(Link taken From
  4. Learn ActiveX Template Library Development with Visual C++ 6.0 : ( free in PDF format ) ( Book)
    it is a very good book for learning ATL Programming using VC++.(Link taken From
  5. Teach Yourself Visual C++ 5 in 24 Hours :[Mirror] ( free in html format ) ( Book)
    it is a very good book for learning Visual c++ and MFC .(Link taken From
  6. ActiveX Programming with Visual C++ :[Mirror] ( free in html format ) ( Book)
    Excellent book for learning ActiveX Programming in Visual c++ and MFC. (Link taken From
  7. ActiveX Programming Unleashed :[Mirror] ( free in html format ) ( Book)
    It contains all the concepts related to ActiveX Programming.(Link taken From
  8. Presenting ActiveX :[Mirror] ( free in html format ) ( Book)
    It contains all the concepts related to ActiveX Programming.(Link taken From
  9. Profesional MFC with Visual C++ 5 :( free in html format ) ( Book)
    This book teaches all the concepts of windows programming using MFC . It covers nearly all the aspacts of MFC programming in visual c++.
  10. Teach Yourself ActiveX Programming in 21 Days : ( free in html format ) ( Book)
    It contains all the concepts related to ActiveX Programming.
  11. Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days : [Mirror] ( free in html format ) ( Book)
    It teaches Database programming using MFC and Visual C++.(Link taken From

Following links are not working

last time I update this site following lins were not working (Probebally site is down .But I am showing these links Because it may be up again)

  1. Developing User Interfaces for Microsoft Windows : (3.7 MB) ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    This is a greate book from Microsoft Press on Developing User Interface using VC++ AND MFC.(Link taken From
  2. MS Press - Inside Microsoft COM+ Base Services : [Mirror](6.3 MB ) ( free in Zip[CHM] format ) ( Book)
    Rare to find free online books (or tutorial ) on programming COM + in visual c++ and ATL.(Link taken From
  3. Programing Windows with MFC 2ed : (5.2 MB) ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    This book teaches all the concepts of windows programming using MFC . It covers nearly all the aspacts of MFC programming in visual c++.from MS Press. (Link taken From
  4. Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows, 4th Edition : (5.7 MB) ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    Ithis bookt teaches Application programming in vc++ . It is the best book or tutorial of its kind. (Link taken From
  5. Programming IE 5 : (6.0 MB) ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    This book is for person who wants to do Internet explorer internal programming using vc++.Not much other free matirial(free tutorial or book) is available on the net for this topic.(Link taken From
  6. Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model :(6.0 MB) ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    This is the only free book or free tutorial for Device drive development for windows plateform using visual c++ that i has found.It contain excellent matirial .(Link taken From
  7. Programming Applications For Windows : (538 kb) ( free in ZIP format ) (tutorial)
    Another tutorial on visual c++ for programming applications for windows.(Link taken From
  8. Programming Windows : (4.4 MB) ( free in CHM format ) (tutorial)
    Another tutorial on visual c++ for programming applications for windows. (Link taken From
  9. Network Programming For MS Windows : (2.2 MB) ( free in CHM format ) (Book)
    This book teaches Network Programming in Visual C++ For microsoft Windows (Link taken From
  10. Network Programming : (1.7 MB) ( free in CHM format ) (tutorial)
    This tutorial teaches Network Programming in Visual C++ For microsoft Windows (Link taken From
  11. Windows 95 System Programming Secrets : (4.2 MB) ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    It is an excellent book that explain each and every concept of system programming in visual c++.It helps in learning windows API in VC++. (Link taken From
  12. Windows Programming Bible 2nd : (5.2 MB) ( free in ZIP format ) (BOOK)
    That is a famous book on visual c++ and Windows Programming.(Link taken From
  13. Winsock API : (142 kb) ( free in CHM format ) (Tutorial)
    It teaches socket Programming in visual c++ using windows API .(Link taken From
  14. win32 faq 320 : (179 kb) ( free in CHM format ) (FAQ)
    It contains 320 commonly asked questions and answers in WIN 32 Programming.(Link taken From


Here is the List of some of the very useful Books which contains lot of useful study material for Free. (Updated Links)

Free online C Sharp Books

  1. MS Press - Inside C#, 2nd Edition : ( free in RAR format ) Free
    It is a very good books if for learning windows programming using C#. It covers both basic and advanced topics.It is also one of the best book for c sharp. (Link taken From )
  2. Oreilly C Sharp In A Nutshell 2nd Edition : ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    it is a beginners guide to C Excellent book to start learning C sharp .(Link taken From )
  3. Oreilly Learning C Sharp : ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    it is a beginners guide to C Excellent book to start learning C sharp .(Link taken From )
  4. OReilly C Sharp Language Pocket Reference [MIRROR]:( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    It is a Pocket Reference to C sharp Programming language. (Link taken From )
  5. MS Press Microsoft Visual C Sharp.NET : ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    It is an very good book for learning visual C sharp using Visual Studio.NET. (Link taken From )
  6. O'Reilly - Programming C Sharp : ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    This is a very popular book for learning c sharp.It is the best starting guide for students. (Link taken From )
  7. O'Reilly - Programming C Sharp 3rd Edition : ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    This is a very popular book for learning c sharp.It is the best starting guide for students. (Link taken From )
  8. MS Press - Programming Microsoft Windows with Csharp : ( 9 MB) ( free in PDF format ) Free
    It is a very good books if for learning windows programming using C#. It covers both basic and advanced topics.It contains more than 1000 pages of useful information. (Link taken From
  9. O'Reilly - C# Essentials, 2nd Edition : (566 kb) ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    O'Reilly - C# Essentials, 2nd Edition is a Very good books that covers the basic concepts of the language. (Link taken From
  10. OReilly - C Sharp and VB NET Conversion Pocket Reference : ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    It is a very good book for programmer who wants to switch to C sharp or VB.NET from other languages.(Link taken From )
  11. Addison-Wesley - C Sharp Developer's Guide to ASP.NET XML and ADO.NET : (2.2 mb) ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    C Sharp Developer's Guide is an excellent book covering ASP.NET XML and ADO.NET (Link taken From
  12. Introduction to Design Patterns in C#: (951 kb) (in PDF format ) Free
    Design Patterns in C# Explain the all the basic algorithm that are used in programming using C# (Link taken From
  13. windows forms programming with c# - manning : (1.2 MB) (in PDF format ) Free (Link taken From
  14. A Programmer's Introduction to C# [Mirror] : (940 KB) (in ZIP format ) Free
    (Link taken From )
  15. C# - The Basics : (in HTML format ) (BOOK)
    (Link taken From )
  16. C# - The Nuts and Bolts : (in HTML format ) Free
    (Link taken From )
  17. C# to IL : (in HTML format ) Free
    (Link taken From )
  18. C# - Classes : (in HTML format ) Free
    (Link taken From )
  19. Getting started with C# : Free ( Tutorial )
    It is very good free tutorial for beginners on c sharp to getting start with basic quickly.It is in very simple language and easy to understand examples.
  20. Presenting C# : Free ( Tutorial )
    It is a very good and popular book on C Sharp.It covers all the basic topics in great details , Debugging C# Code, Configuration and Deployment, Security.for a solid understanding of concepts of C# and Dot Net i9t is a worth reading.
  21. Inside C#, by Tom Archer [MIRROR] :( free in HTML format ) (BOOK)
    It is in one of the most popular books on C#.Second version of the book is out in the market but here you find the first version.It helps in understanding the dot net concepts.It covers basic of C# , Multithreaded Programming in C#, Metadata with Reflection , Working with Assemblies etc.
    (Link taken From )
  22. CodeNotes for .NET eBook (PDF) : Free (TUTORIAL)
    it is available in the PDF form for Free Download (about 1.3 MB in size).It gives the genral introduction to.NET Framework, Assemblies and MetaData , .NET Language Features, ADO.NET, Windows Forms, ASP.NET , Web Services , WSDL etc.
  23. Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C# : Free (TUTORIAL)
    It provides the detail of implementing and understanding of various algorithms and Data Structure threw C Sharp.
  24. Windows ∓ .NET Magazine
    It is the best tech magzine available today.Unlike all the stuff on this site it is not has to subscribe to it.Bou it well worth the money.For a success full career in .NET It is a must read magzine

Free online ASP .NET Books

  1. Oreilly Programming ASP Dot NET 2nd Edition : ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    This is the most popular book ASP.NET. Programming ASP.NET cover each and every topic of ASP.NET. It is like a complete reference of ASP.NET. (Link taken From )
  2. O'Reilly - ASP .NET in a Nutshell [MIRROR]: ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    Very good books to gettitng started with ASP.NET. It is an Excellent book for Beginners.(Link taken From )
  3. Oreilly - ASP Dot NET In A Nutshell 2nd Edition : ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    Very good books to gettitng started with ASP.NET with latest updates. It is an Excellent book for Beginners.(Link taken From )
  4. ASP.NET Database Programming (WEEKEND CRASH COURSE) : ( 3.3 MB) ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    ASP.NET Database Programming is best for you if you are developing database driven web site . (Link taken From
  5. ASP.NET for Developers : ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    A quick Stat Guide for ASP.NET. (Link taken From
  6. Common ASP_NET Code Techniques :( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    An Excellent document full of tips and Tricks related to ASP.NET programming. (Link taken From
  7. ASP.NET with C# : ( free in HTML format ) (BOOK)
    It is a book for you if are new to both c# and ASP.NET .it covers the basic of c# and ASP.Net (Link taken From )
  8. Inside WebMatrix : (1.5 MB) (in PDF format ) Free
    IF you are using Web Matrix for your ASP.NET application then this is the rigth book for you (Link taken From
  9. Developing .NET Web Services with XML : (6.1 MB) (in PDF format ) Free
    This book covers advance topics like developing Web services with XML
    (Link taken From

Free online ADO .NET Books

  1. Microsoft ADO.Net Step By Step: (15.6 MB) (in PDF format ) Free
    This book is your Step by step guide for learning ADO.NET.
    (Link taken From
  2. Oreilly ADO Dot NET Cookbook : ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    It is a very good book for learning Database Programming in Dot net.
    An excellent book for learning ADO.NET.(Link taken From ).
  3. Oreilly ADO Dot Net In A Nutshell : ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    It is a very good book for learning Database Programming .
    It is an beginners guide to ADO.NET.(Link taken From )
  4. MS Press Microsoft ADO NET: ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    It is one of the most famous book on ADO.NET. It is an beginners guide to ADO.NET.(Link taken From )

Free online VB .NET Books

  1. O'Reilly - Programming Visual Basic .NET : ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    Programming Visual Basic.NET is a very good book for learning Visual Basic.NET for beginners . (Link taken From )
  2. O'Reilly - Programming Visual Basic .NET 2nd Edition : ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    Programming Visual Basic.NET is a very good book for learning Visual Basic.NET for beginners . (Link taken From )
  3. OReilly - C Sharp and VB NET Conversion Pocket Reference [MIRROR]: ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    It is a very good book for programmer who wants to switch to C sharp or VB.NET from other languages.(Link taken From )
  4. Oreilly Programming Visual Basic For Palm OS. ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    It is a very good book for learning programming for Palm OS using Palm OS.(Link taken From )
  5. Oreilly vb dot net language in a nutshell . ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    It is a very good book for learning Visual Basic.NET for beginners. (Link taken From )
  6. Oreilly vb dot net language in a nutshell 2nd Edition. ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    It is a very good book for learning Visual Basic.NET for beginners. (Link taken From )
  7. OReilly VB.NET Language Pocket Reference [MIRROR]: ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    It is a pocket Reference for visual basic.NET.(Link taken From )
  8. MS Press - Upgrading Visual Basic 6.0 to VB.NET : (4.8 MB) ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    It is an excellent Book for those who are upgrading to Visual Basic.NET From Visual Basic 6.0 . This book will make you get started with Visual Basic.NET. (Link taken From )

  9. Visual Basic.Net : (in HTML format )
    It is a very good book for learning Visual Basic.NET for beginners .(Link taken From )

Free online Dot NET Framework Books

  1. Oreilly Dot NET And XML : ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    For learning how to use XML in your Dot net application then this is the Books for You.(Link taken From )
  2. Oreilly dot net framework essentials ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    it is a very good book for learning Dot net technology programming for beginners .It covers all aspects of dot net programming techniques . (Link taken From )
  3. Oreilly Dot NET Framework Essentials 3rd Edition :[MIRROR] ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    it is a very good book for learning Dot net technology programming for beginners .It covers all aspects of dot net programming techniques . (Link taken From )
  4. Oreilly Programming Dot NET Windows Applications :( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    This book teaches how to program windows application using Dot Net(Link taken From )
  5. MS Press - Programming Microsoft.NET : ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    it is a very good book for learning Dot net technology programming for beginners .It covers all aspects of dot net programming techniques . (Link taken From )

  6. Addison-Wesley - A Programmers Guide to .NET : (7.1 MB) (in CHM format ) Free
    it is a very good book for learning Dot net technology programming for beginners (Link taken From
  7. MS - Introducing Microsoft .NET Second Edition : (9.5 MB) (in PDF format ) Free
    it is a very good book for learning Dot net technology programming for beginners .
    (Link taken From
  8. MS Press - Applied Microsoft .Net Framework Programming [Mirror]: (4.2 MB) (in PDF format ) Free
    it is a very good book for learning Dot net technology programming for beginners .It covers all aspects of dot net programming techniques . (Link taken From
  9. microsoft .net for programmers : (10.3 MB) (in PDF format ) Free
    it is a very good book for learning Dot net technology programming for beginners .It covers all aspects of dot net programming techniques . (Link taken From
  10. XML WebServices and SOAP : (in HTML format ) Free
    (Link taken From )
  11. Metadata Tables : (in HTML format ) Free
    (Link taken From )

Free online Visual Studio.Net Books

  1. Oreilly Mastering Visual Studio Dot NET :( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    An excellent book for Mestering Visual Studio.NET. This book tells how to made maximum out of Visual Studio.NET. .(Link taken From )
  2. MSPressVCNETStepByStep : (18.2 MB) (in PDF format ) Free
    Link taken From
  3. The Book of Visual Studio.NET : (4.9 MB) (in PDF format ) Free
    this book tells how to made maximum out of Visual Studio.NET. (Link taken From
  4. Visual Studio.Net with C# : (in HTML format ) Free
    this book tells how to made maximum out of Visual Studio.NET
    (Link taken From )
  5. Visual Studio.Net - Controls and Add-ins : (in HTML format ) Free
    It is an excellent Book for customaries Visual Studio.NET .It teaches how to programming Macros for Visual Studio.NET and how to made add-Ins for Visual Studio.NET. (Link taken From )


  1. C# FAQ :
    These are very good collection of FAQs if you are from C++ background. FAQ tries to address many of the basic questions that C++ developers have when they first come across C#.
  2. .NET FAQ :
    This FAQ tries to answer some commonly asked questions about the fundamentals of the .NET Framework - topics like assemblies, garbage collection, security, interop with COM, and remoting. The most commonly-used parts of the class library are also covered.
  3. Windows Forms FAQ : (best)
    George Shephard/syncfusion's Windows Forms FAQ is a very large collection (300+) of useful tips on implementing all the various WinForms controls found in the .NET library.This are the best set of FAQ that I has Find.
    It covers Windows Forms, GDI+, Interoperability , Tools , Design Time , VS.NET , Framework Tips, Network Tips, Data Binding , Datagrid etc.
  4. C# From a Java Developer's Perspective :
    It is the best and most detailed comparison of the two languages.It has lot of good example and is very useful in understanding the concepts of both the languages.
    What follows is an overview of similarities and differences between the language features and libraries of the C# and Java programming languages.
  5. Insider's Guide to IT Certification -Download it now for instant advice!
    The Insider's Guide to IT Certification is a how-to manual that helps people looking to become certified in the IT industry conserve their valuable time and money while pointing out the best study guides and suggesting ways to become successful in IT.