Sunday, February 12, 2006


Here is the List of some of the very useful sites which contains free online books on VC++ and Tutorial on VC++

  1. Visual C++ for Dummies Quick Reference : (8.71 MB) ( free in ZIP format ) (BOOK)
    It is a beginners guide to visual c++. (Link taken From
  2. Using Visual C++ 6 :[Mirror][Mirror] ( free in html format ) ( Book)
    it is a very good book for learning Visual c++ and MFC .(Link taken From
  3. Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days : [Mirror] [Mirror] ( free in html format ) ( Book)
    it is a very good book for learning Visual c++ and MFC .(Link taken From
  4. Learn ActiveX Template Library Development with Visual C++ 6.0 : ( free in PDF format ) ( Book)
    it is a very good book for learning ATL Programming using VC++.(Link taken From
  5. Teach Yourself Visual C++ 5 in 24 Hours :[Mirror] ( free in html format ) ( Book)
    it is a very good book for learning Visual c++ and MFC .(Link taken From
  6. ActiveX Programming with Visual C++ :[Mirror] ( free in html format ) ( Book)
    Excellent book for learning ActiveX Programming in Visual c++ and MFC. (Link taken From
  7. ActiveX Programming Unleashed :[Mirror] ( free in html format ) ( Book)
    It contains all the concepts related to ActiveX Programming.(Link taken From
  8. Presenting ActiveX :[Mirror] ( free in html format ) ( Book)
    It contains all the concepts related to ActiveX Programming.(Link taken From
  9. Profesional MFC with Visual C++ 5 :( free in html format ) ( Book)
    This book teaches all the concepts of windows programming using MFC . It covers nearly all the aspacts of MFC programming in visual c++.
  10. Teach Yourself ActiveX Programming in 21 Days : ( free in html format ) ( Book)
    It contains all the concepts related to ActiveX Programming.
  11. Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days : [Mirror] ( free in html format ) ( Book)
    It teaches Database programming using MFC and Visual C++.(Link taken From

Following links are not working

last time I update this site following lins were not working (Probebally site is down .But I am showing these links Because it may be up again)

  1. Developing User Interfaces for Microsoft Windows : (3.7 MB) ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    This is a greate book from Microsoft Press on Developing User Interface using VC++ AND MFC.(Link taken From
  2. MS Press - Inside Microsoft COM+ Base Services : [Mirror](6.3 MB ) ( free in Zip[CHM] format ) ( Book)
    Rare to find free online books (or tutorial ) on programming COM + in visual c++ and ATL.(Link taken From
  3. Programing Windows with MFC 2ed : (5.2 MB) ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    This book teaches all the concepts of windows programming using MFC . It covers nearly all the aspacts of MFC programming in visual c++.from MS Press. (Link taken From
  4. Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows, 4th Edition : (5.7 MB) ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    Ithis bookt teaches Application programming in vc++ . It is the best book or tutorial of its kind. (Link taken From
  5. Programming IE 5 : (6.0 MB) ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    This book is for person who wants to do Internet explorer internal programming using vc++.Not much other free matirial(free tutorial or book) is available on the net for this topic.(Link taken From
  6. Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model :(6.0 MB) ( free in CHM format ) (BOOK)
    This is the only free book or free tutorial for Device drive development for windows plateform using visual c++ that i has found.It contain excellent matirial .(Link taken From
  7. Programming Applications For Windows : (538 kb) ( free in ZIP format ) (tutorial)
    Another tutorial on visual c++ for programming applications for windows.(Link taken From
  8. Programming Windows : (4.4 MB) ( free in CHM format ) (tutorial)
    Another tutorial on visual c++ for programming applications for windows. (Link taken From
  9. Network Programming For MS Windows : (2.2 MB) ( free in CHM format ) (Book)
    This book teaches Network Programming in Visual C++ For microsoft Windows (Link taken From
  10. Network Programming : (1.7 MB) ( free in CHM format ) (tutorial)
    This tutorial teaches Network Programming in Visual C++ For microsoft Windows (Link taken From
  11. Windows 95 System Programming Secrets : (4.2 MB) ( free in PDF format ) (BOOK)
    It is an excellent book that explain each and every concept of system programming in visual c++.It helps in learning windows API in VC++. (Link taken From
  12. Windows Programming Bible 2nd : (5.2 MB) ( free in ZIP format ) (BOOK)
    That is a famous book on visual c++ and Windows Programming.(Link taken From
  13. Winsock API : (142 kb) ( free in CHM format ) (Tutorial)
    It teaches socket Programming in visual c++ using windows API .(Link taken From
  14. win32 faq 320 : (179 kb) ( free in CHM format ) (FAQ)
    It contains 320 commonly asked questions and answers in WIN 32 Programming.(Link taken From


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